Parent/Student Grievance Process and Forms


 The board strives to resolve concerns and complaints of students and parents whenever possible. To this end, the board has provided opportunities for students and parents to express their concerns through processes established in board policies. Policy 1312, Responding to Complaints, identifies these different processes, including a mechanism for resolving complaints in an informal manner.

 While the board encourages resolutions of complaints through informal means, it recognizes that, at times, a formal process may be necessary for certain types of complaints or if the informal process did not produce satisfactory results. This policy provides a complaint procedure that may be used as described below. Any parent or student who has questions about the options for proceeding with a complaint or concern may contact the principal/superintendent or superintendent for further information and copies of all applicable board policies.


1. Days

Days are working days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, vacation days, or holidays, as set forth in the school calendar. In counting days, the first day will be the first full working day following the receipt of the grievance. After May 1, time limits will consist of all weekdays (Monday – Friday) so that the matter may be resolved before the close of the school term or as soon thereafter as possible.

2. Final Administrative Decision

A final administrative decision is a decision of a school employee from which no further appeal to a school administrator is available.

3. Grievance

A grievance is a formal complaint regarding specific decisions made by school personnel that alleges that such decisions have adversely affected the person making the complaint. A grievance includes, but is not limited to, circumstances such as when a student or parent believes that board policy or law has been misapplied, misinterpreted or violated.

 The term “grievance” does not include any matter for which the method of review is prescribed by law, for which there is a more specific board policy providing a process for addressing the concern, or upon which the board is without authority to act. Claims of discrimination, Policy Code: 1740/4010 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY MANUAL Page 2 of 6 harassment or bullying must be processed under policy 1720/4015/7225, Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Complaint Procedure.

4. Grievant

 The grievant is the parent, student or group of parents or students submitting the grievance.

5. Official

 The official is the school system employee hearing and responding to the grievant.


 The number of days indicated at each step of the grievance process should be considered a maximum, and every effort should be made to expedite the process.

 Failure by the official at any step to communicate a decision within the specified time limit will permit the grievant to appeal the grievance to the next step unless the official has notified the grievant of the delay and the reason for the delay, such as the complexity of the investigation or report. The official shall make reasonable efforts to keep the grievant apprised of progress being made during any period of delay. Delays that interfere with the exercise of the grievant’s legal rights are not permitted.

Failure by the grievant at any step of the process to appeal a grievance to the next step within the specified time limit will be considered acceptance of the decision at the current step, unless the grievant has notified the official of a delay and the reason for the delay and the official has consented in writing to the delay.


1.     No reprisals of any kind will be taken by the board or by an employee of the school system against any grievant or other student or employee because of his or her participation in a grievance filed and decided pursuant to this policy.

2. All meetings and hearings conducted pursuant to this policy will be private.

3. The board and school system officials will consider requests to hear grievances from a group of grievants, but the board and officials have the discretion to hear and respond to grievants individually.

4. The grievant may have a representative, including an attorney, at any stage of the grievance. However, if the grievant intends to be represented by legal counsel, he or she must notify the appropriate school official in advance so that school personnel also will have the opportunity to be represented by legal counsel.


1. Filing a Grievance

a. Whenever a student or parent or guardian believes that he or she has been adversely affected by a decision of a school employee, the student or parent or guardian may file a grievance as provided in this policy.

b. A grievance must be filed as soon as possible but no later than 30 days after disclosure or discovery of the facts giving rise to the grievance. For a grievance submitted after the 30 day period that claims a violation, misapplication or misinterpretation of state or federal law, the superintendent or designee shall determine whether the grievance will be investigated after considering factors such as the reason for the delay; the extent of the delay; the effect of the delay on the ability of the school system to investigate and respond to the complaint; and whether the investigation of the complaint is necessary to meet any legal obligations. However, students, parents and guardians should recognize that delays in filing a grievance may significantly impair the ability of the school system to investigate and respond effectively to such complaints.

c. A student or parent or guardian who has a grievance must provide the following information in writing to the principal/superintendent: (1) the name of the school system employee or other individual whose decision or action is at issue; (2) the specific decision(s) or action(s) at issue; (3) any board policy, state or federal law, state or federal regulation, or State Board of Education policy or procedure that the parent or guardian or student believes has been misapplied, misinterpreted or violated; and (4) the specific resolution desired. If there is not a specific decision or action at issue and no concern that state or federal law has been misapplied, misinterpreted or violated, then the procedure established in policy 1742/5060 is appropriate, and the principal/superintendent shall address the concern following that policy.

d. Even if the principal/superintendent is the employee whose decision or action is at issue, the student must submit the grievance first to the principal/superintendent in order for the principal/superintendent to address the issue within the formal process. If, however, the grievance claims that a state or federal law has been misapplied, misinterpreted or violated, the student may submit the grievance directly to the superintendent or designee.

e. If a student wants to initiate a formal grievance regarding a decision by the superintendent that directly and specifically affects the student, the general process described in this policy will be used, except that the grievance will be submitted to the Associate Superintendent or the Director of Human


a. The principal/superintendent shall schedule and hold a meeting with the student and/or parent or guardian within five school days after the grievance has been filed with the principal/superintendent. The student may be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or other person who is in a position of loco parentis to the student.

b. The principal/superintendent shall conduct any investigation of the facts necessary before rendering a decision.

3. Response by Principal/superintendent

a.     The principal/superintendent shall provide a written response to the written grievance within 10 days of the meeting. The response will include the principal/superintendent’s decision regarding resolution of the grievance and the basis for the decision. In responding, the principal/superintendent may not disclose information about other students or employees that is considered confidential by law.

b.    If the grievant is dissatisfied with the principal/superintendent’s decision, the grievant may appeal the decision to the school board. The appeal must be made in writing within five days of receiving the principal/superintendent’s decision.

c. Except when a complaint is directed against the Superintendent or designee, no party to a complaint may address the School Board, either in closed or open session, unless the School Board has received the Superintendent or designee's written report concerning the complaint. School Board members shall make every effort to not prejudice themselves by listening to or discussing the matter of the complaint with any other School Board members, staff, students or public prior to receiving the Superintendent’s report and formally meeting as a Board on the issue.

4. Appeal to the Board

 If the grievant has alleged a violation of a specified federal or state law, federal or state regulation, State Board of Education policy or procedure, or local board of Policy Code: 1740/4010 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY MANUAL Page 5 of 6 education policy or procedure, the grievant will have the right to appeal a final administrative decision to the board of education (see subsection E.a, Mandatory Appeals, below).

a.     Mandatory Appeals

1) If the grievant is dissatisfied with the superintendent’s response to his or her grievance and has alleged a violation of a specified federal or state law, federal or state regulation, State Board of Education policy or procedure, or local board of education policy or procedure, the grievant may appeal the decision to the board within five days of receiving the superintendent's response.

2) A hearing will be conducted pursuant to policy 2500, Hearings Before the Board.

3) The board will provide a final written decision within 30 days of receiving the appeal unless further investigation is necessary or the hearing necessitates that more time be taken to respond.

4) Complaints before the School Board concerning an employee that may tend to be prejudicial to the employee's reputation or character shall be addressed in executive session of the School Board. All parties to a complaint, including the school administration, may be asked to attend a School Board meeting, or part of such meeting, for the purpose of presenting all available evidence and allowing every opportunity for explaining and clarifying the issue. The decision of the School Board following the hearing shall be final.

b. Discretionary Appeals

1) If the grievant is dissatisfied with the superintendent’s response to his or her grievance but has not alleged a violation of a specified federal or state law, federal or state regulation, State Board of Education policy or procedure, or local board of education policy or procedure, then within five days of receiving the superintendent’s response, the grievant may submit to the superintendent a written request for a hearing before the board of education.

2) If the full board will be meeting within two weeks of the request for a hearing, the board will decide at that time whether to grant a hearing. Otherwise, the board chairperson will appoint a three person panel to review the request and determine if a hearing should be granted. The panel will report the decision to the board. The board may modify the decision of the panel upon majority vote at a board meeting.

 3) The board will provide a final written decision within 30 days of the decision to grant a hearing, unless further investigation is necessary or the hearing necessitates that more time be taken to respond.


The superintendent or designee is responsible for providing effective notice to students, parents and school system employees of the procedures for reporting and investigating grievances.


 Appropriate records shall be maintained in accordance with state and federal law.


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