Required certifications

Letter to certificated applicants

Certificated applicant:

If you are serious about pursuing employment with Hoonah City Schools I cannot stress enough how important it is to have an Alaska Teaching Certificate. I know there is a “cost” involved in the certification process, but being paid as a teacher instead of a substitute teacher will quickly offset any savings that were accrued by waiting.


The Certification process is done by the State of Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) in Juneau. They are very busy prior to the start of each school year and can often take four to eight weeks to process a “yellow card” (a yellow postcard-sized document indicating the state has received a valid and complete application that allows a new hire to sign a contract and be processed as a teacher).

State regulations do not allow you to sign a teaching contract — and be paid at a teacher rate — without a valid Alaska State certificate or yellow card. This means that should we offer you a teaching position, you can only work as a substitute at the substitute pay rate until you have your yellow card or Alaska State certificate.

This regulation applies to all certificated positions, whether it is a teaching, nurse, counseling, librarian, administrative or related services position.

For specific state certificate information and the certificate application forms go to the State of Alaska Department of Education and Early Development website.

 I urge you to use the DEED e-mail address, put communications in writing as much as possible, and use confirming (receipt received, etc.) mail tools to ensure DEED has received your application and supporting materials. Although the Hoonah City Schools can answer general questions about certification, it is DEED that determines whether an applicant can receive a certificate. Therefore, inquiries should be directed to DEED using their e-mail address: [email protected]

 Please remember, it is extremely important that you maintain a valid address with DEED after you submit your certification application. See the teacher certification Web site to change your contact information.

Note: Part of the application for an Alaska teaching certificate is the "Institution recommendation". It can be hard to get from your institution. It is best to get this signed document early. Don't try and do it once you get to AK. you can only submit the original document. No copies. 


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