Special Services

                                                             What is a Special Education Program?
Special Education means specifically designed instruction, at no cost to the family, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. Individual special education programs are cooperatively developed by an individual education planning (IEP) team which includes parents, teachers, administrators and, when appropriate, other specialists. The IEP team reviews an individual student's functional and academic performance to develop appropriate individual long term goals and short term objectives for the child to achieve during a one year period. 

To Our Community
Your Special Services Team 
Welcomes you to the 2019-2020 School Year!
Carolyn Kramlich, Sylvia Lowery, Tesh Miller (SPL), Truman Gray, Bob Barton,
Ree Dalton, Jenny Miller, Judy Bitz, Pearl Miller, Justin Samuels, Anne Sharclane, with 

Special Service Providers:
Doug Wesson, School Psychologist
Shannon Robel, MA CCC-SLP
Maggie Heyman Hotch, OT

Please Contact:
      Carolyn Kramlich @ [email protected]
Sylvia Lowery @ [email protected]

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“Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique; good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher,”
Parker J. Palmer.

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