Title I, Part A
The Title I, Part A program provides funding for teachers and tutors in high poverty schools to provide additional learning opportunities for struggling learners. The Title I, Part A programs target elementary schools and K-12 schools in the district with poverty levels above 40%.
Students in Transition (Homeless)
Students experiencing homelessness are provided assistance through the two district Homeless Liaisons. This program’s primary purpose is to ensure that educational programs for students are not interrupted while they are in transition. Additional information can be found at the link on this page.
Indian Education, Title VII
The Title VII, Indian Education Program provides supplemental support for Alaska Native and Native American students in the district. Because of the small size of the program, supplemental services are not available for all students. Targeted services are established in areas of greatest need.
ESEA Complaint Form
This form can be used to address concerns or complaints that arise regarding the delivery of services under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).